Yep that's me! I'm known as Bucky.
 I'M sure the races would never get off the ground if I weren't here to help out!
2010 update! I took 3rd in my first heat, and in the others while I was last everyone waited to CHEER ME over the finish line!
The races are nothing but  hard work, all that petting, posing and getting dressed up.

This years theme was

But finally we were OFF!!!
As you can see a good time was had by all 
I'm not last! 
As you can see, Halloween is a trial for some of us here in Terlingua, some of you Steven King fans will of course recognize the infamous "Lobstrocity"
eeew scarwey !!!

That's why I hired my good friend Glory as a body guard.

Hey I need my space people!
Well I guess you know that I'm a good looking guy and very patriotic!

I shall try to let you know all about the races and other happenings around the Big Bend area as time goes on.
Feel free to drop ME a note some time and oh yea please check out my mom's art work.
She made me put that in!

Your eye on What's happening.

!!!  Buckwheat  !!!
CUTE Ain't I  ?
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Recently lots of people have asked,
So I guess I will tell you here.
 I was accidentally slammed in a door when I was about six weeks old. ( before my Mom and Dad got me ! ) and had a crushed pelvis, hernias and other injury's. Dad ( He's a veterinarian ) fixed me up the best he could but the folks that owned me then just could not cope, I had a lot of pain and wound up chewing my foot off. 
But hey don't feel bad for me, Mom & Dad really love me and  have taken good care of me for the last 9 years. 
Please let your friends know that I'm OK! 
but to look out for all pets when
 small children are around. 

Did you know,
 I'm not only a racing Chihuahua, I sometimes visit hospitals and schools to let folks know how much love is out there. 
2010 Chihuahua Racing in the Big Bend, Terlingua Tx.
Funds raised at the races go to the Terlingua Family Crisis Center.
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